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    The important of SEO in blogging

    The important of SEO in blogging

    You can’t talk of blogging without talking about (SEO). Nobody will want to do a thing just for doing sake, everyone do a thing for a purpose, doing anything you do, definitely, you want to stand out and make it. You are not creating your blog to dump it in the server most especially if it is a self-hosting blog and spend so much to host a blog and put in so much time to develop post and letter dump what you have labored for days and months in the server will you be happy? SEO has happen to be very important when it comes to blogging, if you are ignorance of the important of SEO in blogging that means you will soon back out of the way because by the time you spend so much to host your blog and invest so much time to write blog posts and nobody is visiting your blog you will realize the important of SEO. What does SEO means?

    SEO means search engine optimization. How does it work? There is no big deal how SEO work. I believe you have heard much about SEO before visiting this blog. Then how those SEO work? Searchengine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. How it works is that when your blog content is SEO incline, that is have been proven to pass all the SEO dos and don’ts, it will sent signal to google crawler or google spider and they crawl your sit by passing the test of what google want when it comes to content that meet up with the requirement, you will be rank higher than those that can meet up with those that cannot meet up with the requirement. And what are the requirements?

    Post title or title tag:

     Title tag is one of the most important elements that can help to improve your page ranking, you have to make it unique, that is make it attractive for someone that encounter your post to be tempted to click, like I said make it unique and simple and should not be more than seventy (70) characters. It always display in blue color and happen to be a link the user will click, when clicking he or she is directed to your page post or blog. Title tag is very important in ranking factor. see example bellow in the image.

    Example title tag image
    Example of title tag

    Meta description:

    Meta descriptions serve as a summary to a blog post. it explain in summary the content of the post in a page, it should not be more than one hundred and fifty (150) characters. The description text always comes under the title tag that display as a link. see example bellow in the image.
    Example of meta description image
    Example of meta description


    Permalink is very important in page ranking, all the blogging platform that wordpress, blogger, wix etc always generate their default URL (permalink). If you allowed their default URL remain it limit your SEO score ranking, in other word permalink is called permanent link.

    Heading tag:

    Heading tag start from heading one to six (1-6). They are usually very bold and bolder than the body text, this indication show how important they are. One of the most important of this heading tag is that, they make your post or page content to be organized and also help search engine to understand what your page is all about.

    Alt tag:

    Alt tag is basically for image, it is always use to give an image a name, so that if the image fail to appear the name will help the user to understand there was something in that place. It helps to improve the visibility of your blog to search engine, so it is also very important and should not be neglected. Always remember to give your image a name in the alt tag.


    This file called Robot.text help you to control your blog against any page you don’t want search engine to indexed it or crawler to crawl, that is what robot.text does.

    404, page not found:

    This one is also very important. What this does is that, if you happen to delete any of your blog post or an error while the user tries to access your page, what you need to do is create another page with a new URL and direct it to the old URL. see example bellow in the image.

    Error 404 page not found
    Example of Error 404 page not found

    Choose a good and responsive theme:

    Theme help a page to rank higher in google search result; I talk much about this in one of my post how to create a blog step by step. If you are self-hosted go for premium theme it help, you can also search for a good free theme for your blog, but let be responsive and user friendly.


    SEO happen to be very important in blogging. It is not good to neglect SEO even as a starter or a professional bloger, do everything possible to lay a good SEO foundation so that in future time you will not rerate not doing it, always do the right thing at the right time.  There are many others and more advanced tips but this are the basic once that should not be neglected, when we gather more SEO tips, we will send you an update, remember to subscribe to this blog to receive notifications of new post by email.

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