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    How to start a blog step by step

    How to start a blog step by step

    Are you longing for a way on how to start a blog? And you are confuse and don’t know what to do? This post is basically for you. In this post I am going to show you how to start a blog step by step without having codding and technical experience, but what is expected of you is that you must at list have basic knowledge about a computer or how to browse the Internet, why? Because, I have come across so many post on some blog saying that you can start a blog with zero computer experience, some how, that is partially true, I will say, it all depend on individual capability. So if you have gotten a basic knowledge about a computer and how to browse the Internet, you stand a better chance to sail through, guys I am not trying to scare you, you can still do it if you determine to do it, that is if you don’t have any computer experience but can browse the Internet you can do it but it depend on your seriousness and your willingness to learn. so let us start.
    For you to start a blog they are some basic things you need to know, bear in mind that a blog is just like writing a book, if you must be a successful author there are some certain things that must guide you (author) to write a best selling book, and this post serve as a guide to any one that wants to create or start a successful blog. Things you must bear in mind are when planning to start a blog:

    Decide what to blog about

    Now every author has their area of specification, a good author cannot just rise up to start writing about everything that comes into his or her mind, unlike starting a blog, you can't start blogging about anything am not saying there is no such blog like that, there is, an example of such blog are Linda ikeji’s blog and this kind of blog always copy content like news, entertainment etc and paste, that is, you can post anything, it’s all about copy and paste, it’s work for them then, because content was not much a priority but now content is one of the most important ranking factor if you must make it blogging you can read my post on how to write a SEO content. Like I said decide on what to blog about, that is have your area of specification, is there anything you have passion for, example writing on your area of discipline if you are a graduate or whatever you fine joy in doing, also If you’re part of a business, company or organization, your blog should be related to the products or services you provide, or the cause you promote. If you are an individual, you have more flexibility when choosing a topic. I talked about it here how to choose a good niche (coming soon), but the main thing to remember is:
    Blog about something you enjoy and excited of. If you aren’t excited about your topic, who will? Write about something you are excited about, don’t border about who will see your post, it will definitely get to whoever needs it but your concern should be, blog about what you have passion for. What you have interest of?  Why would readers be interested if you aren’t? The post you are writing should bless your life first before you thing of blessing others.
    Secondly, blog about something that will give room for discussion. A blog requires a lot of content to get going and remain interesting. You have to blog about what you will have many resources to keep you going. Choose a niche in which you can be an authority over it. You probably won’t be the first person to blog about the topic you choose. It’s almost guaranteed someone else has thought of it before you do. Don’t be afraid; come up from a unique angle. Do you have a reasonable chance of making your blog better than others? talking about the same thing others have express it in a thousand of ways? This is your chance of expressing what others have express in thousands of ways in another unique way better than them; always believe in what you can do. If you are still confuse on how to choose a good niche (topic) check my post on (how to choose a good niche (topic)coming soon).

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    Choose a hosting

    Hosting company or a web hosting provider is a company that has several computers interconnected to each other for bloggers or website developers to buy a space to put their blog or website content for people far and near to have access to it, and this company has special kind of computers are called servers. It is a service that allows an individual, company or a group (organizations) to post a website content or webpage to the internet for it to be viewed. It is just like you going to rent a shop to put your goods for customers to have access to it. There are two types of host (1) Free hosting and (2) Self hosting, out of the two the best kind of hosting is self-hosting why? Because you have control and power over  your blog or website, but in free hosting you can be deleted off any time by your host, there are plenty of free hosting platform but the best of it all is because it gives you chance to make money despite being free hosting. To know more about a the different between a free hosting and a self-hosting read my post on the different between self-hosted and free hosting platform (coming soon).
    There are tons of hosting companies out there but they are very view that renders good quality of services, the few once are Host-gator and Blue-host, if you want to know why I said they are best read my post on the best hosting companies (coming son).
    If you are blogging for fun you can go for free webhosting platform like,,, and a lot more. The best among the free hosting platform is but not guaranteed.  

    Choose a domain name

    Weather you go for free hosting or self-hosting you need a domain name and this is what users will typing into their browser and will redirected to your blog or website, it is part of the text that form your URL example of free hosting domain name:,, and etc. so so frustrating. Example self-hosted domain name is, .net, org etc. very simple and unique. In choosing a domain name, you have to make it simple and unique; somehow, you can choose it base on your site or blog name see how to choose a good domain name (coming soon). One good thing about a self-hosted domain name is that it is always simple and memorizing but in terms of free hosting domain name, it’s always very frustrating see examples above.

    Choose a platform

    Choose a platform, if you are going for a free hosting blogger is one of those platform recommended while wordpress is recommended for self-hosting, why, for wordpress, wordpress is very simple and unique, it is free for everyone to use, they have enough free themes, layout and add-on like SEO plugin that many other blogging platform do not provide.
    Secondly wordpress is safe and secure, wordpress always update their software, they keep everything up to date, sound and secure, attackers like hackers does not easily break into blogs that is created using wordpress platform and a lot of other things have been added which you may not see in other platforms.
    In the case of free of hosting I recommend, why? Because they allowed you to post ads and make money with it, and it’s completely free safe also. How to choose a good blogging platform. (coming soon)

    Inspirational: Excuses is not the way out

    Choose a theme

    In choosing a theme, you have to choose a responsive theme for SEO and for user friendly purpose, you have to make a research on a type of free theme you should use for the above mention purposes, it  is not how beautiful a theme is, is how it will be user or SEO friendly, I recommend going for a premium theme for adaptation and SEO purpose

    Create your first post

    You should have content to blog with when planning to start a blog, you don’t start a blog to start stealing some once content or creating a boring content that will not help in any way, make sure you have what to post on your blog it one of those things will help your blog to rank higher in google search engine see how to create a search engine optimization (SEO) content, you can tap ideas from other blog but steal some one content that is piracy.


    If do the needful at the beginning, it will reduce the stress in the future, so do what you know is right.

    Was this helpful, I know you have a question, use the comment box bellow and I will get back to you within twenty four hours also share.  


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