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    Blogging tips for bloggers

    blogging tips

    Blogging tips for bloggers

    Blogging is not a business one plan to hammer or hit hundreds and thousands of dollar in just a few moments or days of starting one, blogging is very good for those who are always patient in life, whenever you can’t be patient, success will be far from you, I have seen those who can wait to succeed but rush to fail, blogging is like one planting a mango tree, it’s not the day you plant, is the same day it will germinate, it’s not the day it germinate that it will bear fruit, rather it will take process of time for the farmer to eat from the mango he or she  labored for.
    I am coming up with this blogging tips to help you succeed in blogging, if you have not started yet and you want to start one, read my tips on how to start a blog step by stepThis tips I have gotten is from the experience I have gather from those who succeed and from those who fail dew to their patient and impatient in life, I will not lie to any one reading this tips that I have succeeded in blogging, I am a victim being in a hast, I can’t wait to rip in a rightful way, when I started blogging I was in a hast to make it but didn't know that blogging, didn't require those who cannot be patient in whatever they do and I want to encourage you guys, it is not because you have fail mean you can’t succeed, failure gives a man momentum to go back and learn the right way to succeed. What I mean here is that, if you didn’t succeed, you didn’t do it the right way, so this tip will save as lather for you to reach the top.
    This tip is for beginners who in one way or the other want to come into blogging community because it is a community. It is also for those who have started blogging, but it's as if you got stock on the way, if you follow this tip well, success is waiting for you and to catch up with you.
    Then for all this stories, what are the tips you want to share with us? One may ask, just be patient and read on, it is patient we were hammering on all this while, it is this impatient that causes a lot of misfortune in so many lives, I was a victim to tell you the truth, if I had read this kind of tips I wouldn't have fail in blogging when I started the first time. The tips are:

    You have to go into blogging with a right intention

    I want to start by saying that, blogging is a business. Every responsible business man aim is not to make profit, though the reason for business is to make profit. Every responsible business man’s aim is to satisfy human want. When this is the number one aim then profit will follow, though he may make profit if he or she if after profit but can never be satisfy if his aim is to make profit. 
    Whenever you plan to start a blog, start it with a right intention of satisfying human want, helping others with what you know to stand tall an make it in life, what you know also help them to know the same, don’t be craft with what you post on your blog be sincere, I want to say every blogger with a specific niche are helpers to those who encounter their blog, please do it as if you are helping somebody out there, start your blog with a right intention, that is with the intention to help your followers (the visitors of your blog) going into blogging with the right intention will help you succeed.

    Choose a platform

    Choose a platform that will help you to explore what you have for your audience, most especially those audience that is in need of your kind of post. Don’t choose a platform that will limit the potential of your blog post. How can a platform limit the potential of a blog post? I talk much on choosing a good platform on howto start a blog step by step  please read the post, to have a good knowledge on the type of platform to choose when starting a blog but I always recommend wordpress for self-hosting blog and blogger for a free hosting blog.

    Blog on a topic that is broad

    Blogging is not something one jump into without knowing what to do and can do it well, if you don’t have knowledge on what you want to blog on, where will you get what to post on your blog, though others blog on life style example Linda Ikeji's blog, that has to do with copy and paste, such style of blogging is not all that relevant, though people still blog on life style and make it, but it is good to have something you will talk on when planning to start a blog, and it must be a topic that is broad and you have a wider scope. And I say, blog on a topic you have broad knowledge about not a topic you are a novice about.
     What I mean by blogging on something (topic) that is broad, is that, you should blog on something (topic) that you will have more content and topic to write on, if you writing on something (topic) that has limited material to write on, it will limit you on what to write and will not have enough things to post on your blog, secondly you must choose you niche topic out of something you have broader and wider knowledge on, don’t write on something you cannot defend, if need arise for that to happen or a question is thrown on you and you cannot answer you have sacrifice the blog on the alter of novice, write on something you can defend weather it’s in the dream or even when you are not prepare about the question, if ask you can answer without a west of time.
    Always write on something you have knowledge of, and that is wider in scope, which will enable you to have more inspiration to write on the niche topic you choose.

    Be creative

     Always be creative when you are writing your post, even if you write on the same topic with another person, try to write it in your own way, don’t try to copy the other person. Be creative and let people (the audience) see the creative spirit of writing in you and they should see it in a different way, better than they do in the other blog that has the same kind of topic with you, creativity always give room for activity, if you are not creative visitors will not be active in visiting your blog, remember creativity is the reason for activity.
    Be yourself because you can not become what you are not, you can only become who you are and not what another person is. stop mimicking because you can not become that person, do it you own way and not another persons way. 


    qualitative and quantitative imageQuality matters a lot in blogging, most especially when it comes to writing search engine optimization (SEO) content, you can read my post on how to write a search engine optimization (SEO) content (coming soon).
    Quality content matters a lot, so make you post qualitative, always make your post qualitative and not quantitative, many people strove a lot on how many words they should write on every post on their blog and not the quality of their content, every blogger should strove on writing good quality content no matter how small it is, note: it’s not all about the quantity but the quality, not all about the size but the uniqueness of the content is what matters, Note: quality always make impact than quantity and people go for quality even you, you like quality things, don't you?.


    Quantity always matter also, why? Because, when a blog has enough content it makes the visitor that visited your blog to navigate around and stay for long, but if it is just a hand full or scanty of post is in the blog, it makes the user to come around and leave in a hurry, like I said before that you have to choose a topic that is wider in scope so as to have enough topics and post to write on your blog, not something you don’t have broad knowledge on and that you will struggle to write a very few post, quantity keep a user or a visitor lingering in your blog, but it must go along side with a good quality content and not just quantity, always make your post unique, if it is one let it be one.

    Set target for yourself

    Have a target, like I said, always have a target. Anything that has no aim cannot amount to anywhere, set a target on how many post you should be writing on a day, a week or a month, if you choose to be writing one post in a day, two to three post in a week or like eight to twelve post in a month, you should stick to this, always discipline yourself to accomplish the target you set for yourself either daily, weekly or monthly this will help you to become a successful and influential blogger , if you stick to this the sky will not be your limit, rather, your starting point in blogging.

    Have time to write your post

    Having time to write your post you need not to play with that time, always use your time judiciously, even if it has to be creating a time table for yourself and fixed other engagement, so that you will not use the time you suppose to write a blog post, in doing something else or the time you should be doing something else in writing a blog post.

    In conclusion, if you keep this tips and learn from it, i think you will succeed in blogging without limit.

    Was this helpful, I know you have a question, use the comment box bellow and I will get back to you within twenty four hours, please do well to share.  

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